Our new Innovation Lab located in our Cleveland manufacturing plant creates an opportunity to bring new products and high-performing designs to market faster.
In this lab, we currently focus on our two PET blow molding processes – single-stage PET (injection stretch blow molding) and 2-stage PET (reheat-and-blow molding) which represent about 75% of the new molds Pretium introduces each year.

The purpose of this Lab is to allow Pretium to more quickly and economically prove out new molds on the same types of blow molding equipment we use on the plant floor, but on much lower-cavitation machines. With these low-cavitation assets, we only have to build one mold cavity (instead of the many that are built for production tools) to run bottles on these dedicated machines. That saves time and money as we make sure the mold works correctly and the brand owner likes it. As an added benefit, by using the machines in the Lab instead of our high-cavity production lines, we don’t have to take machines out of service for sampling and disrupt production lines and schedules.